waterside musings

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Still on China...

I've been meaning to ask if anyone is keen to make a week-long trip down to Nujiang, Yunnan at the end of the year.

I've a friend who's spending a year there providing counselling services to kids and foster parents, teaching English and life skills at the local schools and teaching mental health at a health science school. I met up with her early this year before she left and she mentioned something about the need for Christians to get out of their Christian ghettos and comfort zones.

It might be a good opportunity, not just to see first-hand what God is doing in China, but to participate by providing our time, services and companionship to the kids and my friend over there.

We could also stop by in Beijing to say hello to orangeclouds on the way back. It would be nice if we could make this a group thing. :)


Blogger neonangel said...

then go revive that ember again!

there is no time like now to go do something worthwhile. :) lots of wonderful ministry opportunities overseas as well as locally.... Operation Mobilisation, Habitat for Humanity, World Vision.....

i second the idea of having a DG ministry type of trip / retreat... be it in teaching English in CHina or building roads in Vietnam.

it would be a meaningful way to bookend yet another year in Christ ya?

10:08 PM

Blogger orangeclouds said...

I'd be keen on a ministry trip to Yunnan at year's end :) Just let me know when so I can book leave.

3:58 PM

Blogger arpc said...

just to let u guys know that ARPC has a slotted trip up to Shanghai in Sept to help with a church there. this dg-interloper's dg is supposed to be helping out...but so far no details have been confirmed.

if i can't make it for the shanghai trip (got anor trip in sept slated), would be happy to join to go Yunnan.

5:15 PM


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